언제 반응 할거 니 meaning in english

When are you coming home, daddy?

But when are you getting your makeup put on?

오, 주여 너는 언제니 벨소리를 바꿀 수 있을까?

When are you gonna change that ringtone? Oh,?

When are you and Mama getting back together?

우리의 선택은 언제니 하나님의 뜻이고 하나님의 일이어야 한다.

Every time we choose our will over God's.

So, when are you back on the street?

Huh.- So, when's your flight?

Right. And when are you getting there?

Well, when the hell can you?

When was I saying your name?

자신에게 물어봐 언제 니가 열심히 노력했냐고?

Ask yourself, how hard have you tried?

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