Balls of the feet는 어느

Instead, try to take it slowly. “It’s best to wear a shoe a little at a time until it loosens naturally,” Sutera says. Whether you’re doing this at home or while running quick errands, she recommends keeping socks or bandaids handy to prevent blisters or chafing.

If you don’t have the time or patience for this, you can research different shoe stretchers on the market, look into reviews of sprays or creams that are meant to stretch shoes, or even ask a shoemaker or cobbler if they can add a little more room to your footwear.

6. As soon as you get home, it’s barefoot central.

For a lot of people, going barefoot is about ultimate comfort, not an issue that needs fixing. However, in some people, constantly walking or standing barefoot on surfaces like hardwood floors, tile, or marble puts too much stress on structures of the feet, either causing or exacerbating pain over time.

This all comes down to the fat pads on the balls and heels of your feet, which help cushion your bodyweight, Sutera says. “Over time ... this padding starts to become thin and wears down,” she explains. Going barefoot too much can tax these fat pads without offering external support, so your feet may start to hurt.

If you have foot pain that you think is due to being barefoot too much, try getting a pair of slippers with plush insoles to wear around the house, or park a memory foam mat in places where you stand a lot, like by the kitchen sink.

7. You don’t really use insoles or understand their purpose.

Depending on your foot type and any specific pain you might already have, the insoles that come with your shoes may not actually be the right, supportive choice for you. “A good rule of thumb is to choose a stiffer insole if you have a flatter foot and a more cushioned insole if you have a higher arch,” Sutera says.

If you’re in the market for new insoles, check out a custom insole shop, your local drug store, or an online source like Amazon. “There are some decent over-the-counter ones available that match or rival custom inserts,” Gillanders says.

8. You’re still holding on to that worn-down pair of boots from 2012.

Many people only throw away a pair of shoes when the soles are worn down, Gillanders says. “Once the sole starts to break down, it actually [changes] the angle at which your foot strikes the ground,” Sutera explains. This can cause pain in your feet, knees, hips, and back, she says. Unfortunately, this can also happen way before your shoes’ soles prompt a shopping trip.

Depending on your activity level and the kind of shoe in question, it takes between a few months to a year of everyday use to wear out footwear, the experts say. If you absolutely love a pair of pumps, loafers, or dressy boots, resoling them or adding insoles can help prolong their usefulness. But Sutera and Gillanders both recommend letting go of sneakers, hiking boots, and walking-around shoes when their time is up.

Balls of the feet는 어느

[점프볼=서호민 기자] 루카 돈치치가 40점 동반 트리플 더블을 기록하며 팀 승리를 이끌었다.

댈러스 매버릭스는 13일(한국시간) 미국 텍사스주 댈러스 아메리칸 에어라인스 센터에서 열린 포틀랜드 트레일 블레이저스와의 홈 경기에서 접전 끝에 117-112로 이겼다. 이 승리로 2연패에서 탈출한 댈러스는 7승 5패, 서부 컨퍼런스 6위를 유지했다. 포틀랜드 9승 4패 기록했다.

루카 돈치치는 이날 38분을 뛰며 42점 13리바운드 10어시스트로 트리플 더블을 작성하며 팀 승리를 이끌었다. 22개의 야투를 시도, 이중 절반 이상에 해당하는 13개를 성공시켰고 자유투 역시 18개를 얻어 15개를 성공했다.

벤치 멤버들의 활약도 빛났다. 스펜서 딘위디가 승부처에서 3연속 3점슛을 터트리는 등 20점 7리바운드 6어시스트 3점슛 6개로 슈팅 감각이 불을 뿜었고 크리스티안 우드가 19점 5리바운드, 팀 하더웨이 주니어가 16점 3리바운드 5어시스트를 올렸다.

포틀랜드는 제라미 그랜트가 37점, 데미안 릴라드가 29점으로 빛이 바랬다.

이날 돈치치는 시즌 3번째 트리플 더블을 달성했다. 개인 통산 49번째 기록. 특히 40점 이상을 올리면서 트리플 더블을 작성했다는 점이 인상적이다. 고득점과 함께 팀플레이까지 책임졌기 때문이다.

더불어 돈치치의 트리플 더블은 통산 4번째 40점 이상 트리플 더블이다. 이날 경기 전까지 이 부문 래리 버드, 마이클 조던, 피트 마라비치와 함께 공동 6위에 자리했는데, 이들을 따돌리고 단독 6위로 올라 섰다.

역대 NBA 40점 이상 트리플 더블 기록 횟수 1위는 오스카 로버트슨(22회)으로 그 뒤를 제임스 하든(16회), 러셀 웨스트브룩(13회), 윌트 체임벌린(7회), 르브론 제임스(6회)가 잇고 있다. 이 부문 5위에 올라 있는 제임스의 기록에도 2개 밖에 차이가 나지 않는다. 더 놀라운 점은 이제 5년차에 접어든 선수가 통산기록 순위권에 근접했다는 것이다.

Balls of the feet는 어느

5년 차에 접어든 돈치치는 올 시즌 더욱 강력한 퍼포먼스를 뽐내고 있다. 매 경기 고득점과 함께 리바운드, 어시스트까지 챙기면서 팀을 승리로 이끌고 있다. 기록이 중단되긴 했으나. 개막 후 8경기 연속 30점 이상을 뽑아내며 ‘전설’ 윌트 체임벌린(1959~1960시즌 – 8경기, 1962~1963시즌 – 23경기)을 소환하기도 했다.

특히 돈치치는 올 시즌 들어 야투 효율을 더욱 끌어올리고 있다. 야투 성공률은 45.7%에서 48.8%로 더욱 믿음직한 플레이를 펼치고 있다. 평균 득점 역시 33.6점으로 당당히 리그 1위에 올라 있다.

이를 통해 돈치치는 가장 강력한 MVP 후보로 꼽히고 있다. 지금까지 페이스로는 돈치치의 MVP 적수가 없다는 현지 평가도 이어지고 있다. 그만큼 올 시즌 돈치치는 어느 때보다 좋은 생산성을 내고 있다. 과연 이러한 활약이 시즌 끝까지 이어질까. 돈치치의 활약과 함께 MVP 수상 여부에 팬들의 관심이 쏠릴 전망이다.


[저작권자ⓒ 점프볼. 무단전재-재배포 금지]

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Balls of the feet는 어느

Pain in the balls of your feet can be, well, a pain. Certainly, it can make it more uncomfortable to walk, run, or even to stand in one place. Also called metatarsalgia, runners or athletes who participate in high-impact sports are more likely to experience pain in the balls of their feet. While it’s not uncommon, it’s also not normal.

Experiencing pain in the balls of your feet can be caused by a few things. In this blog, Kerry E. Berg, DPM, of Intermountain Foot & Ankle Associates explains five possible causes of pain in the balls of your feet along with treatment options. 

1. Wearing the wrong shoes

As is the case with so many other foot problems, such as neuromas and plantar fasciitis, wearing the wrong shoes can contribute to pain in the balls of your feet. If you wear worn-out athletic shoes or shoes that pinch your toes, you’re more likely to have pain in the balls of your feet. The best solution is to get shoes that have room in the toe box so your toes aren’t crowded.

2. Being overweight

Being overweight, even by a few pounds, can put stress on all parts of your feet. This extra pressure on the balls of your feet can lead to major pain. Losing weight can help relieve the pressure on your feet.

3. Stress fractures

All of the bones in your feet are prone to stress fractures, which are tiny breaks. They fall short of being a full bone break, but they can be significant enough to cause pain. An X-ray of your foot is the only way to know for sure that you have a stress fracture.

4. Having certain foot problems

Having certain foot problems can increase the risk of developing other foot problems. Certain conditions, such as hammertoes and neuromas, are often linked to pain in the balls of the feet. This also goes back to your shoe choices, especially if you regularly wear high heels or other shoes that pinch your toes. The best bet is to get shoes that will provide good arch support and plenty of space in the toe box.

5. Participating in certain activities

As we’ve mentioned already, runners are more likely to develop pain in the balls of their feet. But this occurs more frequently in distance runners in particular, such as ones who participate in marathons rather than those who run for a couple of miles a day.

High-impact sports — especially ones that involve jumping or running on hard surfaces — can also increase your risk of developing pain in the balls of your feet. Tennis, basketball, soccer, and similar sports can lead to developing pain in the balls of your feet.

Treating foot pain

Pain in the balls of your feet almost always means that you’ll have to miss a few games or take a couple of weeks off training. But the good news is that it’s rarely permanent. The usual treatment includes resting and icing your feet. It also usually includes getting shock-absorbing insoles, getting new shoes, or both.

Even though you should be able to recover relatively quickly from pain in the balls of your feet, it isn’t something you should ignore. If you develop pain, don’t just push through it. Failure to address the pain could lead to further problems, such as pain in your lower back and hips as you try to compensate for the pain.

If you have pain in the balls of your feet, it’s always a good idea to get it checked out by a podiatrist. To have your feet examined, book an appointment online or over the phone with Intermountain Foot & Ankle Associates today.

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